
Hedonistic definition wiki
Hedonistic definition wiki

He likely believes that he can deal with anything. He makes sure to work in a way that benefits him too, unless motivated by compassion rather than pleasure-seeking. Izayoi works in a pragmatic manner, fighting head-on while also not wavering to use unconventional tactics, like leaving Black Rabbit to be stripped by brainwashed girls so he can proceed forward to effortlessly defeat the Illusionist. His savageness and kind acts put together can make him seem unreadable, which Leticia once commented on. He does genuinely care about the No Name community, and even Black Rabbit (despite teasing her sometimes), and helps them out of conscious well-meaning. While he definitely qualifies as an anti-hero because of his heroic acts being done arrogantly, savagely, and in a pursuit of happiness rather than altruism, he does have a heart. He is also slightly perverted, but being a tough guy, he never gets flustered and chooses when to act like a menace. This is the quest he embarks on for the rest of the anime. His definition of "fun" is mainly looking for a good fight, which is why he decided to help the No Name community in their attempt to defeat the Demon Lords and reclaim their pride, as well as their flag, and even help them earn a constellation in the night sky. As a hedonist who pursues pleasure, he is a savage who tends to enjoy his life in the Little Garden very much. While being very fast, his decisions appear to be rashly thought, but in reality he is somewhat of a genius behind his tough guy act. On top of being very brazen and acting very callously sometimes, he is very unpredictable. ~ Izayoi introducing himself to Asuka in Episode 1 I'm also crude, vicious, and hedonistic, so I'm basically the worst person you've ever met. The dangerous and unrefined Sakamaki Izayoi at your service.

hedonistic definition wiki

Upon Izayoi, Yō, and Asuka falling into Little Garden in the very beginning of the series, Asuka describes him as a mean looking high school boy. He also wears dark blue pants and pair of black, white, and gold tennis shoes. He wears a dark blue gakuran jacket that is mostly unbuttoned, apart from the middle button, but with a yellow shirt underneath. The headphones are white, with a black strap and a small red flame logo on both sides. He is almost always seen wearing his pair of headphones. Izayoi is a 17 year old boy with blond hair pointing downwards, and purple eyes.

Hedonistic definition wiki